Open: 9:00AM-2:00PM Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays
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About Us

Call us for a free consultation 1 (868) 678-9999


At TULIP we are all about the customer experience and in-order to properly serve you we believe the consultation is the best way to guide you. We understand most of our audience ask to ensure it’s within their budget and the Free Consultation acts as a tool to protect the investment you are making in yourself, as well as ensuring your hard- earned money is not spent wildly on treatments that may not work for you.

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Everything you need to know about the Free Consultation

The most common question asked by our customers is, “How much will it cost?” However due to the unique aspects of each case costing can not be given over the internet or the phone. This is why we offer Free Consultations to all interested customers.

The consultation is an important part of the process for a couple reasons:

  1. It gives us the opportunity to properly diagnose your individual case. Many times you may think you need a specific course of treatment but when we meet with you in person we realize there may be an underlying cause which needs to be addressed first.
  2. At the consultation we may recommend a different treatment that may work better for you than what you originally had in mind.
  3. Costing for the different treatments vary based on numerous factors. Some being the size of the area being treated, the attention needed on each area or the time needed to complete the session.
  4. The consultation allows us to set realistic expectations and explain to you that sometimes you may need more than one session to treat your specific issue.
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